Licensed coach: Michele Willmott


Career Coaching for individuals who are feeling stuck, lost or disillusioned and who are considering a complete career change or just want to feel that they are on the right path, which may involve a change in their current working environment rather than a total overhaul.

I also specialise in Relationship Coaching helping individuals who are struggling in their relationship to improve their communication and sense of boundaries and show up in a more confident and empowered way with their partner.

I am a Co-Active Professional Coach (CPCC) and work on a co-creative basis with my clients, helping them connect to their own answers and inner knowing. My work is very much centered around helping clients build up their self-trust, self acceptance & intuition in order to help them make decisions in their work life or relationship(s) that feel congruent and authentic with who they are and what is most important to them.
I bring in my own intuition to help clients see where their mind is sabotaging their efforts and keeping them stuck and prefer to work organically in the moment whilst also helping clients get clear on their next action steps.