Licensed Firework coaches

Claire Mackenzie

London, UK

I'm a Career Transition Coach working with professionals at a crossroads who feel lost to find the work they love to do and create the life they want on their terms. Whether
you are going through a major work or life transition, seeking career inspiration, a change of direction, or just want to be more effective in your current role, I have a career coaching approach to help you do the work you love and fulfil your potential.

I am an intuitive coach who is empathetic, open and compassionate. I create a safe space for you to explore deeper into your beliefs, values and purpose. I really see you, I’ll challenge your blind spots and the things that are holding you back. Without judgement I am your cheerleader and champion, highlighting your strengths and nurturing you through your own transformation

Ross Nichols

Salisbury, UK

I specialise in coaching professionals in transition to find a successful new career, business or life; integrated wellness coaching and business coaching and mentoring for start-ups, the self-employed and micro, small and medium sized businesses.

I work with values, energy, vitality and spirit. For those who want more structure, I offer structured programmes. Integrated wellness coaching combines dimensions of wellness into a quality way of living through a personal wellness plan. Key words for me are 'transformation' and 'healing'.

Joanna Hunek

Gloucestershire, UK and Poland

I specialise in Professional Life Development coaching which covers Career Coaching/Career Change, Career Progression, Professional Growth, Leadership Development, Conscious Leadership, developing soft skills for workplace and life.

For me, it is about building confidence and courage. It is about helping the people I work with to become risk-takers, conscious leaders and lovers of life.

As a Coach, I work with all types of professionals from start-ups to entrepreneurs, senior and junior managers and private individuals. I try to make the coaching process challenging, honest and, above all, authentic - so I can be direct, occasionally blunt and wholly unafraid of asking difficult questions!

Sarah Partridge


My coaching specialisms include Private, Executive and Leadership coaching focussing on career transition, resilience building, and confidence development. I use a combination of rigorous evidence-based techniques to support my work including Positive Psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I also offer Resilience and Wellbeing Workshops to enable organisations to thrive.

I have a very approachable and open coaching style, but I'm not afraid to challenge my clients if they choose to be challenged. I like to work using tried and tested tools and techniques that have psychological evidence under-pinning their efficacy.

Olivia Woods

Berkshire, London & Dublin

Career coaching for senior executives wanting to consider a complete change of career.

Entrepreneurs wanting to be more focussed and organised in their heads so that they can achieve their great ideas rather than letting their ideas slip through their fingers.

Prospective clients wanting to build up their confidence.

A silver fist in a velvet glove would be an accurate description of my working style...I hold a clean space for deep thinking and then agree accountability with the client. This accountability then becomes the focus of our good work together. I'm a skilled motivator and have been referred to as a 'motivational defribilator'.

After many years experience as a senior recruitment consultant I quickly understand what a client is capable of, which is frequently more than they see for themselves.

Joanna Stokes

North Yorkshire

I'm a leadership and career coach that helps Further Education professionals to break free of a job they don’t enjoy, that’s not aligned with their values, and that’s making them unhappy so they can feel motivated, energised, and excited about their career again.

I have successfully reinvented my career three times and know firsthand what it is like to be unhappy at work. I am now in my third and final career as a coach and exactly where I am meant to be. My extensive experience as a career changer and my coaching expertise, training, and knowledge add huge value to the quality of the programme.

Anne-Claude Benhamiche

I'm based in France and coach face to face both in Paris and Fontainebleau

I specialise in working with:

  • high potential coachees
  • German people in France
  • people with international careers
  • people in their midlife questionings, regardless of their age

If you're looking for an interactive, inspiring and energising coaching process, with both depth and humour, you're in the right place!

Mercedes Sancho

Madrid, Spain

Mi práctica de coaching de carrera se centra en ayudar a profesionales senior en procesos de cambio, voluntario o sobrevenido, que encuentran dificultad en concretar su objetivo, o en cómo avanzar hacia él. Personas que viven la necesidad de un cambio profesional por inquietud personal y deseos de crecer.

Acompaño a las personas en su proceso reflexivo con actitud positiva y con el propósito de ayudarlas a tomar conciencia de sus posibilidades y de lo que realmente es importante para ellas. Mi propuesta es un enfoque de trabajo estructurado y práctico, basado en la confianza y no en la dependencia, para que puedas tomar decisiones con seguridad y entusiasmo. Me apoyo en un método movilizador y en herramientas de utilidad contrastada, y en mi propia vivencia de transformación personal y profesional.

Alice Davies

East Sussex & London

I work with individuals looking to make positive career changes. My coaching style is contemporary, creative and fun! I work very much with the individual and together we create a bespoke coaching programme that's right for their personal and professional growth.

Sally May

East Sussex

I help mid-senior level people in the corporate world get clearer on who they are and what they really want in life, and then coach them as they make it a reality. I also work with forward-thinking organisations who wish to retain their talented employees and harness their renewed energy and ideas to boost the organisation’s social/environmental impact.

I'm firm and supportive. I gained a strong understanding of the corporate world working for Accenture for 18 years in Paris and London. A recent coaching client told me that I have a “serene calm energy”, and am “passionate but not in-your-face gushy!”. There were moments where they felt “uncomfortable but supported”, and the result was that they experienced a number of shifts, concluding “It was way more powerful than I thought it would be. I’ve always said ‘it will all be OK’. Now I believe it”.
