Licensed Firework coaches

Graham Cavan


Hello! I am a professional accredited Executive, Career and Behavioural Change Coach and Business Mentor with over 30 years leadership experience in coaching and mentoring global transformation leaders and teams within FTSE 100 companies to achieve successful outcomes.

My coaching approach is focussed on collaborating with you as a thinking partner in a creative space, that enables you to explore, dream big and achieve your career transition ambitions.

When working together, we spend time capturing the initial goals for our coaching collaboration, before starting to explore the reality of your current unique situation including potential challenges that may need to be overcome. From there, we work together to develop a customised coaching plan that is tailored to your specific requirements.

We would then dig deep, with a bold and curious mindset, to uncover potential options and strategies to achieve these goals before mapping out a roadmap of next steps to deliver a successful outcome.

Vincent Eid

Amsterdam, Netherlands

I coach expats in their mid-careers who have a job that's great on paper but feel unhappy there.

My coaching style is empathetic, direct and challenging.

Jonas Berends

Belgium, Antwerp & Brussels areas

I coach IT staff who venture into management positions, staff working in the financial sector (banks mostly), plus employees considering self-employment. I coach in Dutch (mother tongue), English and French. I love to coach outdoors (running or walking).

Do you know that feeling that you just can't put your finger on it? We will work in ways that allow you to put that finger in the exact right spot, and we'll do so in a trusting, safe and fiercely courageous space.


Nick Harris


Do you find yourself at a crossroads? Are you still looking to secure that dream job or are you facing important choices about the direction your working life will take? How should you deal with workplace challenges or find the right balance between work and family? How would you feel if you had a more satisfying and rewarding career?

I have coached a variety of individuals in areas like career development, promotion, coping with redundancy, making a career change, managing anxiety or stress and those returning to work after a career break.

Very often I speak to people who are miserable in their job or are unhappy with where they are, but they don’t know what to do, and they don’t see that they have choices. The initial focus for the coaching is therefore often around building confidence in order to create options.

I can then help you to reconnect with your strengths, expertise and capabilities because often people can lose sight of what they’ve achieved in the past when a job has become unsatisfying.

Sally May

East Sussex

I help mid-senior level people in the corporate world get clearer on who they are and what they really want in life, and then coach them as they make it a reality. I also work with forward-thinking organisations who wish to retain their talented employees and harness their renewed energy and ideas to boost the organisation’s social/environmental impact.

I'm firm and supportive. I gained a strong understanding of the corporate world working for Accenture for 18 years in Paris and London. A recent coaching client told me that I have a “serene calm energy”, and am “passionate but not in-your-face gushy!”. There were moments where they felt “uncomfortable but supported”, and the result was that they experienced a number of shifts, concluding “It was way more powerful than I thought it would be. I’ve always said ‘it will all be OK’. Now I believe it”.

Anne Rae

Twickenham, Middlesex (Greater London)

I work predominantly with women who are looking to launch themselves into a new career, often after a period of time at home. I help them define what they want from their work and life going forward and support them in creating detailed plans about how to achieve their objectives. I am passionate about helping believe that it is possible to have a new career at any phase of their life.

I also work with clients in demanding, sometimes new role roles who are seeking success and confidence at work, whilst balancing their life outside work.

I have a warm, supportive and non-judgemental approach. I help clients keep alive what it is that they dream of for themselves and encourage them to 'play big'. Clients say that I am insightful, a good listener, empathetic and encouraging.

Emma Dale

Cambridge, England

I coach women in Asia and the UK to help them build up their confidence to take on leadership roles and improve as leaders. I run a range of Coaching Programs including: Create your Strategic Career Plan, How to to be successful in your first 90 days, The Female Confidence Booster, How to step up into a leadership role, Coaching for Female Leaders and How to get noticed and promoted in your current firm.

I coach individuals who are motivated to make a change or transition and I am their cheerleader and accountability partner to make it happen.

Marie de Champchesnel


After more than 20 years of experience in the Arts & Creative Industry, I found myself stuck and lost in a career that was no longer my passion. So I understand first-hand the pain, uncertainty and fear that can come with changing your career path.

Drawing on my own experience as well as a tried and tested framework and tools, I coach women in their 30s & 40s who struggle to recognise their own abilities and achievements.

I have an inside-out approach and offer 1:1 online coaching programmes from one month to 6 months engagement to help women to go from lost and unhappy to having clarity and confidence in their career path by reconnecting to their authentic self.

Andrea Anderson

Brighton, Sussex & Central London

I specialise in working with people from creative, digital, fast paced, or entrepreneurial business backgrounds. People who may be:

• Successful but frustrated and unhappy in their current career
• Full of ideas but unsure how to make them happen
• Women who have become mothers, who want an autonomous and fulfilling career that allows them to live the life they want to live now.

My style as a coach is warm, intuitive, and, at times, direct. I encourage experimentation and action. This helps the people I work with realise their potential and affirm their confidence.
