Licensed Firework coaches

Olivia Woods

Berkshire, London & Dublin

Career coaching for senior executives wanting to consider a complete change of career.

Entrepreneurs wanting to be more focussed and organised in their heads so that they can achieve their great ideas rather than letting their ideas slip through their fingers.

Prospective clients wanting to build up their confidence.

A silver fist in a velvet glove would be an accurate description of my working style...I hold a clean space for deep thinking and then agree accountability with the client. This accountability then becomes the focus of our good work together. I'm a skilled motivator and have been referred to as a 'motivational defribilator'.

After many years experience as a senior recruitment consultant I quickly understand what a client is capable of, which is frequently more than they see for themselves.

Angie Fresch


I work with professionals in their 30s, 40s and 50s to reinvent their careers into something they love.

When clients come to me, they say things like "I'm successful at what I do, but it's never really felt like 'me', or "I've always felt like a bit of an 'imposter' at work, and I'm worn out." I also work with women with young families who say "I'm ready for something for me again." They are ready for a change, after having taken a career break to focus on family. However, the career they had before having a family is no longer a good fit for their lives.

Marlene Philippou

Location: Nicosia, Cyprus

Languages: English, Greek


Hi, I’m Marlene, 

My passion is to empower and inspire people to lead conscious lives!

As humans we evolve, we change, circumstances shift and each stage of life brings new opportunities. I believe in creating new futures that inspire us throughout our lives.  And I love to work with my clients to support them discover what is important to them, define goals that really matter & figure out how to get there. Often this involves helping people see things from a new and different perspective, which in turn changes the way they behave and ultimately impacts what is possible. Changing perspectives can also ignite new energy and passion and allows us to let go of old stories that are holding us back.

Ross Nichols

Salisbury, UK

I specialise in coaching professionals in transition to find a successful new career, business or life; integrated wellness coaching and business coaching and mentoring for start-ups, the self-employed and micro, small and medium sized businesses.

I work with values, energy, vitality and spirit. For those who want more structure, I offer structured programmes. Integrated wellness coaching combines dimensions of wellness into a quality way of living through a personal wellness plan. Key words for me are 'transformation' and 'healing'.

Dan Beverly

London, UK

Hi. My name’s Dan Beverly and I’m a Leadership & Performance Coach. And very simply: I help professional women achieve their highest potential.

And for some of my clients that plays-out as a new job or promotion. For others, it’s about a complete shift in career or business. Whilst for others, it’s just about excelling in who they are and what they do.

But what unites all my clients is that they come to me at a pivotal moment in their careers. A moment that will really define their success – and their path for the next 5 – 10 years.

And in that pivotal moment, I inspire my clients to play full out.

Because there’s only ever one challenge for us all. Being more of who we already are. And so, my leadership coaching approach revolves strongly around the 3 core themes of: Reinvention + Creativity + Ownership

Felicity Dwyer

Hampshire, UK

I specialise in helping people find a way through mid-life career review and change.

We might be a good fit, if you are in one of these situations:

  • Facing redundancy and wanting to rebuild your confidence or review your choices.
  • Out of love with your work; you want to do something else, but don’t yet know what.
  • Considering self-employment or starting a business; you want to do something you enjoy, have more freedom and make a living.
  • Returning to work after time at home with children or as a carer.
  • You want to get clarity about your next steps and regain your confidence.

What my clients say about my coaching style:

Graham Tate

I coach face to face across the UK and I am based in Herefordshire

All aspects of business, personal and behavioral coaching. I work across all sectors with a mix of gender and role/position in the organisation.

As a career coach I can help you to create the working life that you really want. I work with a wide range of individuals, ranging from those just starting out in the workplace, through returners to the work, to those who are looking for more career satisfaction.

My coaching style is collaborative. I provide a calm and constructive coaching environment in which you will feel at ease and together we can identify your strengths and passions to create a career you will love. We will look at barriers and create a road-map that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

How we work together will be led by you; we can work within a structured programme or take a more flexible approach.

Rachel Schofield


I help smart women redesign a workable and fulfilling career path after motherhood. My clients have taken time out to raise their family and are ready to re-connect with their professional self. But simply diving back into their old industry isn’t going to cut it. They want space and support to get clear on their skills, strengths and passions, to explore other avenues and think differently.

My mission is to champion and challenge you. Help you shake off the doubts and ditch the procrastination. Reawaken your self-belief and get you in action. I am passionate about helping women not lose themselves amid the highs and lows of motherhood. I want us to be able to reconnect with who we were, finally create space to take stock, and find a realistic way to realise the dreams or ambitions we still have. There's a lot of life still to be lived as your children grow. Don't you owe it to yourself to make a conscious choice about how you spend it?

Amy Savage


I work with a range of people, many of which are from the creative industries given my background. Most importantly I work with people from all ages and backgrounds who want to live their lives to the fullest and are committed to making a change. These include:

  • People who are looking to find more fulfilment and enjoyment in the life/career.
  • People who want to consider a career change
  • Women returning to work after maternity leave, a career break or a change in career direction

I have been described as warm, enlightening, and inspirational, but I'm also prepared to challenge habitual and obstructive behaviour or thought processes. I have the skills to tackle issues in a positive and productive way. And mostly, I have a passionate belief that work should be a fulfilling and enriching part of our lives.

Majella Callaghan

Dublin, Ireland

I specialise in coaching women returning to the workplace and career transition.

My coaching style is a confidential, challenging, friendly, supportive, person-centred approach which is non-judgemental, encouraging and produces positive results.
