Licensed Firework coaches

Geraldine Locke

London and Global via Zoom or Skype

I specialise in mature career changers looking to make end of career decisions, and moving to a portfolio approach to life, pre-retirement. I coach both one-to-one, with couples and in groups.

I have a down-to-earth, common sense approach to coaching. I use a strengths based approach to helping clients facilitate their journey of self discovery, and help clients to be open minded and practical when facing the choices in front of them.

Juergen Peterke

Speyer, Germany

I have more than 20 years of experience in executive coaching working with companies from different industries and with management staff of all hierarchies and functions.

I specialise in:

  • change & transformation
  • transition coaching
  • leadership performance
  • career coaching

My approach is action-oriented and pragmatic. Its fundament of eclectic ”practice theory” has proven effective and is derived from many years of intensive studies of concepts of management, organization and leadership development. My clients cherish my strategic and conceptual expertise combined with a fine sense for human beings. Coaching for me is guided reflection leading to concrete steps of action.

Mercedes Sancho

Madrid, Spain

Mi práctica de coaching de carrera se centra en ayudar a profesionales senior en procesos de cambio, voluntario o sobrevenido, que encuentran dificultad en concretar su objetivo, o en cómo avanzar hacia él. Personas que viven la necesidad de un cambio profesional por inquietud personal y deseos de crecer.

Acompaño a las personas en su proceso reflexivo con actitud positiva y con el propósito de ayudarlas a tomar conciencia de sus posibilidades y de lo que realmente es importante para ellas. Mi propuesta es un enfoque de trabajo estructurado y práctico, basado en la confianza y no en la dependencia, para que puedas tomar decisiones con seguridad y entusiasmo. Me apoyo en un método movilizador y en herramientas de utilidad contrastada, y en mi propia vivencia de transformación personal y profesional.

Joel Dietz

USA and beyond!

I support amazing people looking to discover a new career, or to thrive in the work they already do. We accomplish this together with humor and exploration, through a zoom lens focused on your long term-fulfillment. I have a particular passion for working with late career professionals wanting to bring their work identity into retirement through a career transition. Based in Houston, Texas and working with clients throughout the US, I welcome all clients pondering, “What’s next for me?” including those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Lydia Newell

Yorkshire, UK

I support women through mid-life career change as they start reconsidering their priorities and direction.

For the women who feel stuck ...You’ve tried to focus on the positives. Other people would describe you as ‘successful’, but this isn’t your definition of success. You know you have loads to be grateful for, but you just can’t get past the fact that you’re not content with how your life looks right now.

You wake up every morning feeling exhausted, wishing it was the weekend. Your days are full-on busy, your to-do list is never ending, and self-care just doesn’t happen for you.

You feel unhappy, uninspired and unmotivated. Living in a world that tells you that ‘you can be whatever you want to be’, feels so overwhelming when you’re stuck on what it is you want to be! You’re not sure what you want from life, and you have no idea how to find out.

Ella Clark


I coach people who are at a career turning point and looking for what to do next. I will help you find what type of work lights you up, and help you plan to get the rights skills and confidence to get there. To really love your life, and the work that you do.

Clare Boland

Haute Garonne, France

Languages: English, French

I coach women in their 30's and 40's who are either going back into the workplace after maternity leave or women who are concerned they're not on the right track

I'm optimistic, creative and practical and help women to get off the hamster wheel of "I must do this" to allow them to take time to really consider what they want and not what others want from them. In short, I get women to think about themselves and really find out what they want from life and their career.

Kit McQueen

Global (online)

Helping achievers, athletes & adventurers reconnect with their purpose, passion, wellbeing & style.

  • Overwhelmed?
  • Disillusioned and looking to reroute or re-energise but not sure how, what, when, where or why?
  • On the brink (or in the mire) of burnout?

If your answer to one or all of these is a resounding YES, then stop, and let’s take stock together before concocting a bespoke plan to get you heading onto a track that leads somewhere you actually want to go. 

Coaching with me is designed to help energise, uplift & propel

How is this possible?
1) You begin to truly understand & accept yourself for who you really are, not who others think you are or should be.
2) You believe in & commit 100% to any goal you set - even ones you've shied away from or felt you've failed at for weeks, months or decades.
3) You start seeing progress, fast.

Jenny Burrow

Brighton and Hove, UK

I support frustrated and unfulfilled mid-career professionals who have built a successful career, ticked all the boxes they were supposed to tick, but now wake up wondering "is this it?".
I support them to get clear on who they are and what is important to them, and to stop overthinking, get unstuck, and create a career they love.

On the whole my coaching approach is non-directive; I believe you are the expert in your life, and that you have everything you need within you. I provide the space, support and tools for you to uncover those answers. My clients describe me as patient and supportive, and I also like to provide gentle challenge in our conversations. We may dig into some deeper issues during our conversations, but we will usually share a laugh or two as well.

Stien Gijsbrechts

Ekeren (Antwerp) in Belgium

I love working with people who are looking to better their lives by finding a career built on their strengths and their needs.
I have a lot of experience with parents who find that they need a different balance in their lives whilst their children are small.
In addition I have worked with people who are face a 'bore-out' or 'burn-out' and are looking for a new reality.

I would describe my style as supportive and result-oriented. I tend to see through the stresses of my clients to their true strengths. I do expect my clients to take responsibility and ownership of the coaching process. What I mean with that is that I am not going to 'whip' or 'chase' my clients into shape. That is up to them to do.
